Byron-Springbank Legion



The Royal Canadian Legion was started in response to the needs of the veterans who returned from World War I. In 1925, different groups met to help the disabled, sick, aged and needy. These groups also wanted to have meeting places for veterans. The following year, the Canadian Legion was officially formed. The Legion became an advocate for improved pension legislation, returned soldiers insurance and help for those suffering from tuberculosis.

In 1930, the passage of the war Veterans Allowance permitted financial assistance to thousands of men who were not eligible for disability pensions although they couldn’t work because of injuries received in the war.

During World War II, the Legion provided canteens, entertainment, and reading material for the veterans at home and abroad. It also prepared for the return home of veterans overseas. The Legion provided financial compensation, clothing allowances, pensions, medical treatment, preference in the civil service, vocational training and other services to these veterans.

To this day, the Legion continues to maintain a network of professionals helping veterans, ex-service members and their families to secure the pensions and benefits that they are entitled to.

Today the Legion has more than 333,000 members. It is the largest community service organization in the country. The Legion contributes millions of dollars and voluntary hours to help Canadians, particularly seniors and youth.

Most Canadians associate the Legion with ceremonies and activities for Remembrance Day. This day is dedicated to all those who died during the two World Wars and the Korean conflict. The most recognized activity is probably the sale of the poppy emblem. Members of the Legion and friends distribute the poppy emblems to raise funds for needy veterans, ex- service members, and their families.

Every year on November 11, Remembrance Day, the Royal Canadian Legion holds memorial services in communities across Canada.

The Legion is a non profit organization with more than 1,600 branches in Canada, 21 in the United States and 3 in Germany.


The Royal Canadian Legion’s mandate is to support and advocate for Canada’s Veterans. To explore the services the Legion can provide Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, please go to our USEFUL LINKS page. There you will find links to the National Command, Ontario Command, District A, and Zone A6 websites. 

Locally, the Branch 533 Veteran Service Officer can be contacted using the Veteran Support Inquiries form at the bottom of this page or please call 519-472-3300 and leave a message. Click here to be taken to the form.


The Byron-Springbank Legion received its charter in 1952. It has seen many changes in that time inside and out but has still managed to grow year by year. This is because of the commitment of our members and wonderful volunteers who have dedicated their precious time to make a legion we can be proud of.

Today the Byron-Springbank Legion alone has over 600 members and 50 volunteers. Feel free to drop by and see what you can do for your legion and what your legion can do for you. We have dances, trivia nights, meat draws, activities, darts, snooker, food, free wi-fi…the list goes on.

No matter what you choose to do, you will be surrounded by friendly people who enjoy being part of the Byron-Springbank community.


The Poppy is the Royal Canadian Legion’s symbol of Remembrance. The Legion’s Annual Poppy Campaign runs from the last Friday in October through Remembrance Day. Conducted by over 400 local Legion Branches, coast to coast, the campaign is the single largest source of funds for the Branches to support Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP and their families. Each local Branch uses volunteers to organize and run their campaigns with all funds collected staying, in trust, at that Branch. The Branch Executives are accountable for the strict control of the funds and spending goes through a multi-level approval process.

All funds collected during the Poppy campaign stay within our community. During the 2019 Poppy Campaign, the Byron-Springbank Legion Branch 533 raised just under $43,000.00 and has already has distributed $23,800.00 from our Poppy Fund to support Veterans and their families in our community. The Fund also supports Youth Education programmes in both elementary and secondary schools.

For the 2020 Poppy Campaign, the Byron-Springbank Branch 533 volunteers will start delivering Poppy donations boxes to businesses, schools and organizations within our area on Friday, October 30th. If you happen to be missed and wish to have a Poppy Donation box for your business, please all 519-472-3300 and a donation box will be delivered.

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