The Byron-Springbank Legion is now set up to receive Membership Renewals by e-transfer. Please see the Fees Section below for instructions.
The Royal Canadian Legion offers one-year free memberships to currently serving or retired CAF/RCMP who have not been members of the Legion. This offer is extended to their Spouse and children 18+ – click for instructions on how to apply for free year’s membership
- Although our membership has grown over the past couple of years, there are still lots of opportunities for new members. Watch the notice board for up coming events, which your family or friends might like to attend, and then bring them out for a good time. As with most organizations, we have come to rely on a small percentage of our member to help out with the numerous activities that take place at the branch. All members are encouraged to come out and volunteer to help. Don’t wait for someone to remember what you are interested in helping with let it be known because I’m pretty sure most areas of the Legion can use your input.
The future on any organization hinges on its ability to attract and retain new members. Consequently, all Members should be actively encouraging their family and friends to join our Branch. In addition to being a great place to hang around and have a great time, there are a number of reasons to join the Legion:• To belong to a national organization that cares for Canada’s veterans, promotes “remembrance” and speaks out for Canadian unity.
• To support your community through Legion programs and activities.
• To expand your skills and use your unique talents whether you participate in sports, public speaking, helping seniors, leadership, and youth development, social and other activities.
• For comradeship and recreation.
• To have access to a growing list of discounted products and services through the Legion’s Membership Benefits Package, and
• To receive Legion Magazine five times a year.
Membership Fees
- Seniors (65 years old)- $60.00
- Non-Senior- $65.00
- New Memberships (First Year) – $70.00
Early Bird Discount (Fees paid 1 Sept – 30 Nov)
- Seniors (65 years old)- $55.00
- Non-Senior- $60.00
- Reinstatements – $60.00
The Byron-Springbank Legion is now set up to receive Membership Renewal payments by e-transfer. Payments must be made to email address The Legion is set up for direct deposit so no security question/answer is required. Be sure to enter your Membership Number in the transaction’s memo/message area so that the payment goes to the correct member’s renewal.
Membership Chairman: Louise Hughes
Reminder: If you have moved please notify the Membership Committee so that your Legion Magazine can be delivered to you and not returned to command.
- You may be eligible for membership in The Royal Canadian Legion if you are a Canadian citizen or Commonwealth subject and are of federal voting age. All applications for membership are subject to the General By-Laws of The Royal Canadian Legion and approval by the local branch to which the application is made.
- By joining The Royal Canadian Legion you will have the opportunity to make new friends, become involved with your community and to develop and share your leadership skills. You will help to perpetuate the Remembrance of those who gave so much for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy today and the proud heritage of this great Canadian organization will be enriched by the enthusiasm, energy and new ideas that you bring to it.
- Here are just some of the many benefits membership in The Royal Canadian Legion brings:
- Social Activities – Most branches have recreational facilities and may have licensed lounges. Members can enjoy a wide variety of social events such as dances, barbeques, entertainment and a host of other special events.
- Member Participation Sports – The Legion has sporting events such as darts, curling, cribbage and golf, with competitions ranging from local, provincial to national levels.
- The many opportunities and programs offered by The Royal Canadian Legion are identified throughout our web site or you may wish to contact your local Legion Branch or Post for more information.
There are four membership categories, each with different qualifications. The criteria for each category are listed below.
- The following documentation is required to determine eligibility for the various membership categories and should accompany your Membership Application Form. Military service documentation can be obtained from the National Archives of Canada.
Membership Categories