Donations to Poppy Fund Many thanks to the Lambeth Lions for donating $10,600.00 to our Poppy Fund On 9 November 2021, the Branch accepted a $2,500.00 donation to the 2021 Poppy fund. Annually, Ironstone Built, has a “$100,000 in 10 Weeks” charity campaign to donate $10,000.00 to local charities each week for 10 Weeks. This year In honour of Ironstone’s 11th year of operations, they decided to donate to 11 charities over the span of 11 weeks – starting on the week of October 11th 2021 and ending the week of December 20th 2021. Dave Stimac, President of Ironstone Built presents Byron-Springbank Branch 533 President John Morris with a donation of $2,500.00 for the Branch’s 2020 Poppy Fund Campaign. The President and Community Outreach Chair from the Baitul Ahad Mosque (Riverside Dr & Beaverbrook Ave) present a $650 donation from their Muslims for Remembrance Program to the Legion Branch 533 Poppy Fund